
i love getting film back



tickets to the zoo, a favorite wedding gift.

fell in the lake. darn blackberry survived.

delicious dinner and good company

he brought out the sulu, and got some new flip flops. always an islander.

canon A1
can't remember the film *smacks forehead* 
something high speed.

Jake and Jared

So for the past little while, i've been MIA in the blogo-universe. I finished my second semester at BYU, and moved into my new apartment! Also almost done wedding planning...!

anyways, here's some photographs. part of my twins project. 

Jake and Jared Houghton. They're twins. They're also on the lacrosse team (betchya didn't see that one coming didya?). They are a dynamic duo. They are also married to awesome women. Pat and i like these people. friends!!


since i can remember, i have always been fascinated with twins.
i think it started with my love for the olson twins. {remember this? and this?}
then i saw the parent trap. it was, still is, and probably will always be one of my favorites.
i never took the time to figure out why i thought twins were "so cool" until recently.
here are some things that captivate my attention.
i love the fact that twins are born with an innate relationship.
they're hard wired to have a sense of knowingness between one another.
they understand feelings- physical and emotional.
maybe i'm idealizing their relationship.
maybe i have a picture perfect idea about finishing eachother's sentences and accidentally wearing the same outfit on the same day.
or, maybe not.

for obvious reasons, i don't have anywhere near a full understanding of what it's like to be a twin.
perhaps my longing to experience this or even just to understand it is what drives my fascination.
because as the youngest of three children by ten and twelve years, i haven't had the experience of having a sibling close in age, let alone the same age as me.

twins are cool. this is the beginning of a project i am planning to do for at least a year.
i want to photograph as many twins as i can, and ask them about their experience as a twin and what it means to them.

my first subjects are my dear friends Lisa and Kristy.  I got to know them on a road trip to california last february.  we instantly became best friends. we loved the same music, and the same stupid humor! so many laughs were had on that trip to santa barbara. sometimes i think about that trip and would give anything to go back in time because it was so much fun.

i love these two. they're sisters. they're friends. they're twins.

Beiffus Girls

meet rachel, bethanna, and isabel.  these three beauts were so patient as i invaded their home to do an assignment for school involving a $5000 lighting kit to mix flash with existing natural light. what started out as an assignment turned into a fun shoot with lots of giggles!
today is rachel's 20th birthday! i started this post before i knew what a special day it was today. what a fun coincidence! so have a happy birthday rach!