

2013 has really flown by! Thank you to all my wonderful clients who have made this year so incredible -- I've made some great friends. Thank you for not only hiring me, but for making my job so enjoyable. I'm so lucky! 
Also, HUGE thank you to my husband Pat for going with me to almost all of my shoots. I literally couldn't have done it without him! 

Here's to making 2014 even better than the last. Thank you! 

family is a great thing.

Last weekend my family got together to celebrate and honor the life of our late grandmother, Mary Jean Rus.  She passed away a few months ago, but didn't want a funeral. So stories were shared, and memories remembered. It was a beautiful service. She was and still is so loved and respected.  

On that same day, was our grandfather's birthday. Jan Rus is 90 years old! Way to go, Granddad.  Here are some photographs from his birthday party, as well as some from their house in Laguna Hills.  We are really going to miss that place. There were so many memories in that home.  It was weird and sad to be there when it was so empty and cold. Literally, it was freezing inside. 

Anyways, it was a bittersweet day in California.