Grandpa Jimmy
Good Love
This past weekend Pat was in minnesota with 24 other lacrosse players, bringing home three victories. When he came home, he was as hairy as i have ever seen him be! I really like facial hair. His whiskers are red, dark brown, and blonde. He's a diverse kind of guy.
This March has been a weird one. Weather wise that is. Yesterday was warmish. On our walk home, we floated our leftover's box from Legends on the little river that runs along the south side of campus. We even found a green army guy to put on the front of our boat. It was fun.
These pictures were taken right before we went to the store to buy TinTin. What a great movie. It reminds me a lot of Indiana Jones. So adventurous.
This is my man. I love him. He loves me.
Today it was even warmer. We celebrated with a pork barbacoa salad and a navajo taco. yum. I started out today listening to this. I think it's the perfect song for a warm, sunny day.Confession: the first time Pat mentioned Matisyahu, I thought he was saying "Modest Yahoo".
what a character!